Now that the whole Chinese Democracy nonsense is out of the way, everyone can move onto the most highly-touted album of the next six months.
Oh, you haven't heard about the listening parties? Or the Grizzly Bear fiascos?
Or the trippy cover?

Let me be clear: On January whatever, I will march my way into a record store, purchase "Animal Collective's best recording" (according to Noah Lennox), and proceed to stare at it until I collapse in joy.
And not that this reaction would be unwarranted--I've listened to an NPR Recording of the band's latest material more than anything else this year.
But we've got to drawn a line somewhere. Case in point:
An "I-refuse-to-name-this-band-because-they-are-a-joke" band recently posted a number of covers of yet-to-be-released Animal Collective tracks on their blog (if you really, really care, the link is here). Ignoring the fact that these covers are actually quite good, can we at least acknowledge the absurdity of this gesture?
Certainly, I "get" the need to cover a good song, but this is a borderline stunt. Did this band really have to beat Animal Collective to the punch?
I haven't seen such an "only-in-the-Internet-Age" anomaly like this since....oh...what was that thing...
Right! Snakes on a Plane! When a group of Internet dwellers commented upon a major motion picture before it came out, leading to an actual re-shoot of scenes in the movie.
Good call unnamed band! Let's get Animal Collective to go back into the studio and rework this shit! Scale back the tempo on Brothersport and rock that the Sung Tongs-era acoustic guitar! Release a Post Merriweather Post Pavilion!
the blind man's colour covers are just by a guy who posts on the animal collective forum, he's not a big band trying to steal their thunder
you don't have to be a fucking douche about it.
I'm sure he means well -- it's just absurd.
Not to mention that the episode has also brought him/them new listeners (including me):
A comment from their MySpace:
"I discovered your music while trying to find the Brother Sport leak. Somehow, I ended up at a page that featured your Merriweather Post Pavilion covers. The first song I heard was In The Flowers and I was immediately enthralled. So much, in fact, that I dusted off my long dormant myspace profile to check you guys out.
This music... Is amazing. It has an otherworldly quality yet it's instantly accessible. I can't wait to see where you guys go. Holy fuck your music is exciting."
THAT, whether intentional or not, is piggybacking.
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