Thursday, February 25, 2010

YoYoYoYoYoYo + Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

Sorry for being a bit m.i.a. as of late -- ish gets crazy. Let me make it up to you:

A new song:
"No Fucking Around" -- Rafter -- Animal Feelings (2010)

A synesthetic alliteration monday from Au:

A nice live video of that new White Hinterland joint, "Icarus":
Note the candle.

And backlog of columns:

"Help Wanted for GU's Music Scene" (A diagnosis of the real problem)

"Let's talk about sex...and music" (Valentine's Day edition)

"DJing is a game of fundamentals" (An extended metaphor comparing DJing to little league coaching)

"Yule Tide FM" (Why Christmas music on the radio isn't such a bad thing)

Don't say I never wrote posted anything for ya.

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